Nicole DiCicco                    Romance Author

Nicole DiCicco weaves tales that captivate the hearts and minds of her readers. With an eclectic literary portfolio that leans heavily into the realm of romance, she has established herself as a force known for her unique blend of psychological character profiles, emotional depth, and tantalizingly sexy erotic scenes.

Nicole's writing is characterized by its emphasis on dialogue and the inner thoughts of her characters. Her novels take readers on a journey through the complexities of relationships, exploring the nuances of love, passion, and the human psyche. Unafraid to tackle any topic, Nicole fearlessly incorporates a variety of elements into her romances, creating a tapestry of bold stories that are multifaceted aspects of romance, making her a distinctive voice in the world of contemporary fiction.

Born with a passion for storytelling, Nicole's narratives delve into the intricate web of human emotions, offering readers an immersive experience that goes beyond the conventional boundaries of the romance genre. Her books resonate with those who appreciate a blend of sensuality, emotional depth, and the unpredictable nature of love.

Nicole, a die-hard Mets fan, resides in Brooklyn, with her beloved cat, Shea (yes named after the stadium).

Nicole is an avid fan of General Hospital watching the show since she is five years old. She adds an ode to GH in every book - some are obvious, some are not, but all are in honor of her beloved show.

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